Saturday, March 5, 2011

40th Anniversary

Well, there has been much talk going around lately about Starbucks 40th anniversary. Yep, Starbucks is turning 40! This month in fact. This Tuesday, stores everywhere will be opening their doors for customers to come in a view a new atmosphere, breathe a new air and most importantly, feel like they've come home. I read something the other day in our new promo book that really spoke to me, I even shared it with my manager yesterday, and he felt the same sentiment that I am feeling. In the brief little insert, it spoke of being gracious hosts to our customers who come in and spend their day to day lives with us. We have shared many moments with countless people over that last forty years as a company, only four years for myself, and although they may not have all been all that great, for the most part, we've all grown within this company, be it on the outside, or the inside

Our new logo represent the company, excuse me, corporation that we are today, and hope to continue to expand to be one day. For those who have seen it, we've taken away the blocky circular border that states our very namesake, in hope to show everyone that we are strong, and there are no borders to this fantastic growing business. We are now entirely international, and we are going to continue to grow over the many years, decades, maybe even centuries to come. So, for those of you who thought we had reached our peak during these last few years, think again. We've only just started a very long term in coffee presidency.

I like the second picture that I have included in this blog because it shows the progression of the cups from when we opened in Pike Place, Seattle, WA in 1971 to what we will be releasing this coming Tuesday, March 8, 2011.

We will have a brand new blend of coffee that will also be released this coming Tuesday, along with it's own VIA Ready Brew Flavor. This really is one of my favorite releases in recent years. It is literally a blend from all three of our growing regions, which are Latin America, Africa/Arabia and Asia/Pacific for those who are not aware. On top of being a mix from all three regions, the beans within this coffee are also a mix of all three of our processing methods; Dry, Semi-Washed and Washed. It is such a clean coffee, with four different types of beans, including Sundried Ethiopia and Papua New Guinea.

We will have new food releasing on Tuesday, which is by far the best part of this for me. 7 tasty new treats will be for sale. These treatswill include some yummy deliciousness from cake pops, to sweet squares and even a whoopie pie! I am definitely excited to share all of the new things from this Tuesday's Promo. Can't wait until Monday to be able to do the Siren's Eye (Store set-up!)

Day 5

Happy Saturday to all. This morning/ afternoon I find myself no where other than Starbucks, of course, just in a different neck of the woods we call Palm Beach County. And so, here I sit, latte in hand, imagining how to tackle today's writing assignment.

Day 5- Describe a song that reminds you of someone.

Well, I kinda covered this yesterday with the little story of my aunt, but of course, like any normal person, I have countless songs that remind me of people. The number one being a sweet little remake by Arctic Monkeys called "Baby, I'm Yours".This is really quite an emotional song for me, dedicated to me by a special someone who is no longer so special. The song really just talks about how no matter what happens, I'll be yours forever, until the stars no longer shine, until the rivers all run dry, until the poets run out of rhymes, I'll always be yours. A sweet little song that helps me to remember the special moments that we shared together.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 3 & 4 of the challenge.

Okay, so when I issued this challenge to myself, I have to admit I did not read all of the writing prompts because I wanted to be just as surprised as you are on the topics day to day. So, I wrote yesterday mini blogs, and sneaked a peek into today double blog topics. I was surprised to find that once again, they were circulated around songs, this time involved with emotions. I chose to read all of the entry topics.... and every 31 is about a song. Hmm.... I don't think I've ever paid enough attention to songs to be able to write 31 separate blog entries about them.  I shall however continue until I find something else; something, in my opinion, better.

Day 3:
Name a song that makes you happy.

What song doesn't make me happy, really. I love songs. I sing, so if I can find a good song in my range, I am more than happy to belt it out while driving down the road in my beautiful car. One of my favorite activities, actually. Right now, the song that makes me the happiest when I flip the radio on is undoubtedly Dog Days are Over by Florence and The Machines. I love just the fun-ness of this song. It goes all over the place and is just beautiful. I'll raise the volume, and just sing and even bounce to the beat whenever I hear this song. It's quite depressing when I change the channel, and its on, but its on the last note. I literally want to cry.

Day 4:
Name a song that makes you sad.

I'm not sure that I've ever been sad because of a song. I mean, every time "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias comes on, I do tear up a bit because of the beautiful music video, but I'm not sad.
When we lost my aunt to breast cancer two years ago, the song played at the funeral was "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Better Midler. The reasoning behind this choice was because of a little stuffed bear that is currently sitting in the house of another of my aunts. Chantilly Bear is a music playing bear that sings, yep you guessed it, "Wind Beneath My Wings". It was a gift from her sister, and when she passed, my aunt made sure to bring her home, that way we'd always feel the presence of my late aunt. Yeah, is say that song still makes me sad, but only because I'm remembering the good times.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Double Blog day

Due to shear laziness and forgetfulness, I have neglected my self given duty once more. But alas, that shall no longer be. Here we have a double blog day! Followed by another one tomorrow. Just to catch up on lost time.

Part 1-
Day 01 - Your favorite song

As of today, March 3, 2011, I'm not fully sure that I have an ultimate favorite song. I can, however, give you the number 1 top played song on my IPOD.... and the winner is.... Congratulations by Blue October, feat. Imogen Heap. WOW. I have not heard this song in forever. Ironic, right? This song.... man I over played this song. My poor bff was forced to listen to it almost every day that we saw each other bc it was always playing in the car. I was introduced to this song by an old coworker of mine, from the Bux, that I haven't even seen in years now. He was in love with this band and the song. On occassion he would drive me home, this is before I had my own car and mom and I still shared, and he would always play this song too.
I really just love the lyrics to this song, although it is about love lost, as opposed to love won, but it really is just so romantic and truly beautiful.

Part 2-
Day 02 - Your least favorite song

Well, how to answer this one.... Shall we consult the IPOD once more?
Okay, I'll probably anger some teeny boppers with this next one, but.... I cannot stand Justin Beiber and his song "Baby". Sadly, I know the majority of it... and it pains me every time the song randomly pops into my head. When his movie came out, just weeks ago, the song was played everywhere I turned, and of course, while Im working, the song just pops into my head and plays over and over andover and over and over ( am I annoying you yet? Now you know how I felt). I finally turned to my coworker and cried to her in desperation "Pick a song, any song! Please!" A moment of contemplation later, she picks.... "Oh the wether outside is frightful"... fill in the rest. So there I was in the middle of February singing "Let It Snow" in the middle of Starbucks. yeah, it was a sight to see.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Challenge failed? Eh...

I know I issued myself a challenge a few weeks ago, and for those of you who actually read my blog, you might have noticed a severe lack in writing since the issuing of said challenge. But, I forgot to say that I changed my mind a bit, since it was the month of february, and not to mention already a few days in. I instead am choosing to push the challenge to the beginning of March. That way I have 31 writing prompts and 31 days to complete them in. I am really still quite excited about the challenge and cannot wait until I am back in the full swing of writing again. I really do miss it. I have the next two days to rest my mind and my fingers in preparation for major typing ahead. I hope you all stayed tuned for more, and see you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blogger Challenge

After being inspired by my own mother, shocker, I know, I have decided to accept a challenge to write in my blog everyday for the next month, starting tomorrow. Being that it is February, this challenge will obviously run over a few extra days into the month of March, but, so be it.

I think that I even want to do something special for Vday so if anyone has any ideas, please share and I will do my best to oblige!