Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why a Barista as your name?

Good question that has recently been brought up to me. Why am I the fictional Barista?

Well, quite frankly, the fictional comes from my attempts at one day becoming a published author. It's a dream of mine that I have been working on since before I can even remember. I wrote my first piece of anything at the tender age of six. Rose's Day, it was entitled. I read it now and laugh at how short and sweet it is, but nonetheless I am impressed by the advanced writing language used at such a tender age. The current project, Beautiful Disaster, is a bit more recent in it's timing, but still, I feel like I have been writing it my entire life. The rough starting date on that project is January 2004. Six years, and yet all I have to show for it is about 200 hand written pages, front and back, and stacks of typed, doubled- spaced pages, all spaces filled in with even more hand written edits and additions.

Now, Barista, well, if you know me well enough, you know that my paying living is as a Starbucks Coffee Company Barista. So, yes, I am always cracked up on caffeine. But hey, it could be worse, right? I could be addicted to tobacco or even worse than that. Keep that in perspective. My plan is to try to incorporate a bit of ahead of the curb information on the constant changes within my great company, be it with new beverages, reward plans or more. I'll even give you pictures! Ha ha.

So, until next time, yes, even though I am fictional, I do exist.

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