Sunday, February 27, 2011

Challenge failed? Eh...

I know I issued myself a challenge a few weeks ago, and for those of you who actually read my blog, you might have noticed a severe lack in writing since the issuing of said challenge. But, I forgot to say that I changed my mind a bit, since it was the month of february, and not to mention already a few days in. I instead am choosing to push the challenge to the beginning of March. That way I have 31 writing prompts and 31 days to complete them in. I am really still quite excited about the challenge and cannot wait until I am back in the full swing of writing again. I really do miss it. I have the next two days to rest my mind and my fingers in preparation for major typing ahead. I hope you all stayed tuned for more, and see you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blogger Challenge

After being inspired by my own mother, shocker, I know, I have decided to accept a challenge to write in my blog everyday for the next month, starting tomorrow. Being that it is February, this challenge will obviously run over a few extra days into the month of March, but, so be it.

I think that I even want to do something special for Vday so if anyone has any ideas, please share and I will do my best to oblige!